What to Say if Someone Says They Are Getting Depressed Again Reddit

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Depressed redditors, what do you lot actually WANT people to say?

Depressed redditors, what do y'all actually Desire people to say?

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level ane

''come hang out with u.s.''

level 2

Honestly even if I don't come, knowing someone wants me to can help sometimes.

level 2

More importantly not giving up on the invites if we don't accept you upward on information technology. I know information technology might seem really annoying if they don't seem to ever take you upwards on the offer, but information technology can become almost a addiction for some people to brush off invites, and it might only take 1 success to intermission that addiction.

level two

That is pretty much it.

Having people around, getting you to talk, stops you thinking about all the things that make you depressed.

level 2

Even if I don't accept it is dainty to hear opposed to knowing a large group of your friends planned a thing and didn't invite you.

level 2

And don't call me awkward if I do... that doesn't help my social anxiety. I never idea it was necessary for me to substitution words with stranger you lot know and I don't anyway.. damn y'all!

level 2

One-half the time then you're stuck disarming yourself they simply did it as a courtesy :(

level two

This and then much. Having someone to become u.s. out and feel wanted tin can go a really long way even if it isn't permanent. Bonus points if information technology's some sort of physical activity since that also helps with depression.

level 2

Oh, man, I wish someone at work would practise that. I've been there for 8 months and most people only ignore me because I hardly ever talk. I think they think I don't similar them.

level 2

Forever...and e'er...and ever.

But for real, if anyone has ever said that to me, information technology must have been years ago. And I was probably a bitch and pushed them away past saying no.

level 2

I'm likewise poor for gold simply yes a million times over or calculation on to this "how was your weekend?" "what have you been up to?" Just reach out to people that look lonely.

level two

run into, i call back i want this.. then I just really don't want to go to whatever shitty bar or activity they want to go exercise with a bunch of people I don't know.

so im depressed and angry that I'thou then introverted and that's why im lone.

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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/56vk4a/depressed_redditors_what_do_you_actually_want/

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