Room by Room - the Barcelona Chair

This calendar week'due south installation of Room by Room with FormFire Glassworks takes a major shift – instead of looking at either a specific location in the home or a type of abode accessory, I volition be taking iconic modern furniture pieces and making some suggestions for handmade items that would complement such slap-up works of fine art.


Today's focus is the Barcelona Chair, created by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe for the German Pavilion of the 1929 Expo. Originally created in ivory pigskin, information technology is most well-known in its 1950 iteration which shifted to blackness leather and a stainless steel frame. The licensed version is still available through Knoll, although unlicensed pieces abound. The sleek styling and elementary design go far a great piece that is at one time interesting but doesn't overtake its surrounding expanse. It is a large chair, very comfortable and can sit one person with room to spare, two people very close together.

To complement the clean lines, uncomplicated materials and relaxed await of the chair, accompaniment items should be basic in colour and form. Items with a busy look would detract from this piece, and would not create a cohesive look. A simple coffee table that echoes the black and silvery colour scheme and the gentle curve of the frame makes a great starting bespeak for a modern vignette. An heady drinking glass basin placed on the tabular array adds a splash of colour and gives a bear upon of dynamism to the tableau. A bamboo lamp with an undulating curve provides low-cal for reading without cartoon as well much attention to itself. An fine art quilt in a mod pattern hang on the wall behind brings in a little retro feel along with a handmade touch on that softens the black and chrome. A hand-printed pillow placed on the chair makes the infinite feel all the more inviting.

Side by side calendar week I volition choose a new iconic slice and requite you my picks for accessorizing your modernistic habitation.

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